Today, the Empire of Aeternia announces its first Quest.
We challenge the international community to create a new cultural game for the Empire, something simple and easy to play, which can bring joy to Aeternians around the world.
The winner of this competition will win three prizes:
A special shout out on our youtube channel for the creation of this game
A section on our website discussing the game and thanking the creator
Being declared winner on our Game Reveal stream with a chance to give a short acceptance speech at the end.
The rules to this competition are as follows:
The deadline to enter is January 6th, with Jan 7th being the date of the Game Reveal stream.
You must be a registered member of our Prestige System by January 6th either as a Citizen, Foreign Dignitary, or Journeyer in order for your submission to be valid.
You can register to be a part of the Prestige System as a Journeyer or Foreign Dignitary in the Prestige System Tab of the site, and as a Citizen in the Citizenship tab of the site.
The game must be simple and easy to play. This means the more requirements the game has to play, the less likely it will be chosen.
You may submit as many times as you like, however, if no submission is found to meet the criteria of being simple and easy to play there is a circumstance in which no winner would be chosen.
Submissions are accepted via email at or in the contact section of our website at the bottom of the home page.
Good luck, and Aeternia Forever!